buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Scenesx - The Movie & TV Scene Database style.css header class hero nav div Scenesx class logo div class nav-links a Browse href #browse a Popular href #popular a Search href #search button Sign In class cta-button div class hero-content h1 Every Movie Scene. Every Detail. p Discover, analyze, and explore your favorite movie and TV show scenes with precise timestamps, descriptions, and metadata. div class search-container input type text placeholder Search any scene, movie, or show... button Search class search-button main section id browse class featured-scenes h2 Featured Scenes div class scene-grid article class scene-card img src assets/inception-kick.jpg alt Inception kick scene div class scene-info h3 Inception p Zero Gravity Fight Scene span 01:45:32 article class scene-card img src assets/matrix-bullet.jpg alt Matrix bullet dodge div class scene-info h3 The Matrix p Bullet Time Dodge span 00:32:15 article class scene-card img src assets/got-dragon.jpg alt Game of Thrones dragon div class scene-info h3 Game of Thrones p Dragon Attack span S08E05 - 00:42:18 section id popular class trending h2 Trending Scenes div class trending-list div class trending-item span #1 p "I am Iron Man" - Avengers: Endgame small 02:45:18 div class trending-item span #2 p "You shall not pass!" - LOTR: Fellowship small 02:17:03 div class trending-item span #3 p "Here's looking at you, kid" - Casablanca small 01:42:30 footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a About href /about a API href /api a Contact href /contact p Built by scene enthusiasts for scene enthusiasts